We’ve all seen it, you know, the old commercial where a senior falls in her home and cries out that she’s fallen and can’t get up. So many recognize the commercial that today that line is practically a punch line. However, the reality is, falling is no laughing matter – especially for seniors. Did you […]
Well, Summer is finally here! For many families, that means preparing for fun-filled vacations and relaxing getaways. But if you are one of the thousands of caregivers tasked with caring for an aging loved one, a vacation or weekend getaway, may seem impossible or out-of-reach. Unfortunately, it’s all too common for caregivers to feel overwhelmed […]
If you or a loved one has been experiencing a medical condition that requires a more concentrated level of care, it’s likely that your doctor may have recommended short-term rehabilitation. At this point, you may be asking yourself, “What’s the point?” With that important question in mind, below, we’ve laid-out four core benefits that short-term […]
Mother’s Day is almost here, and it’s the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with the important women in your life – for many, that means visiting a senior mom or grandmother being cared for at a skilled nursing facility. While your mother or grandmother will be glad to just spend time with you, […]